The solution was a family pageant in pieces. Individual families (some with children, young adults come home from university for the holidays, or older couples with a senior parent living with them) were given poems, litanies, or short dialogues to prepare and present. Some came in costume, others with sound effects, and some dressed for a concert. The program was full of the names of families; households of all kinds.
The centre piece of “the Christmas pageant” was a two piece musical interlude: a teenager on a violin played, “Angels We Have Heard on High,” while the little girls, dressed in angel halos, danced through the church with gymnastic ribbons – Crayola markers with lengths of ribbon attached via the cap- twirling in praise; the second part was a young adult pianist who played, “Little Drummer Boy,” while the boys (and many of the men - as the maker of the drum sticks passed out lots) stood and tapped out the rhythm on the backs of the pews with homemade drum sticks.
The “Christmas pageant” was enjoyed by all as everyone took responsibility. Participation was at 100%.