Unlike a conference, Justice Camps are interactive, with dynamic hands-on learning through immersion experiences guided by trained facilitators and local justice partners. We welcome participants of all ages from across Canada, yet we hope that 40% of the participants will be young adults (18-35 years of age) to pass the torch of social justice ministry to young adults within our faith communities. The theme of this year’s camp is “Land”, and will address topics such as Faith in the Oil/Tar Sands Developments: Excavating for Deeper Narratives; Urban Poverty; Aboriginal Reconciliation; Earth, Sky, Fire and Water: Ecology and Conservation; Food: Who Benefits?; From the Dust of the Ground: Inter-religious Perspectives; and Land and See: How the Arts Shape our Visions of Place and Justice. The sharing and networking that will occur at the Justice Camp will enable participants to return home inspired, renewed in faith and strengthened to become catalysts for change.
The camp will take place August 15-21, 2014. Registration is now open at http://justicecamp.ca. Feel free to circulate the additional promotion information we have attached.
We hope to meet some of you this summer, at Justice Camp 2014!