Crown of Thorns Snack
You take some frozen bread dough, roll it out into strips, braid the strips together, form it in the shape of a crown, add some round edge toothpicks (for the thorns), sprinkle the top with spices (cloves, ginger, cinnamon), brown sugar, lemon juice and bake it …
Last Supper snack
Red & Green Grapes, Pita Bread, Cheese & apples
And for Easter Sunday, why not make some Empty Tomb / Resurrection Pastries?
Empty Tomb / Resurrection Pastries
You take a Pillsbury crescent rolls and roll the dough around a marshmallow (which represents Jesus’ body). Add some melted butter or margarine to represent the oil Jesus’ body was anointed with and some cinnamon to represent the spices. While baking the marshmallow melts and you have an empty tomb inside.
And here are some more Easter Snack ideas:
Thanks to Anglicn Diocese of Ottawa Baptismal Ministry Formation Director Lisa Chisholm-Smith for sharing these ideas.