Now there’s a new study from the Pew Internet And American Life Project confirming how powerful the interest has become. The study found that 39 per cent of all American adults had done at least one civic or political activity with social media. (While it’s an American study, there’s no reason to believe this isn’t the same in Canada.) Among the activies, people said they had posted their political opinions (or reacted to someone else’s post), followed political candidates, hit “like” in support of political or civically minded web pages, and belong to politically or social active groups. One other activity caught my eye: they also said they had pressed their friends to “act or vote” on certain issues. That’s a powerful tool for spreading the gospel. And one we still haven’t figured out. That’s why social media training should be mandatory for all new pastors – and for us old ones! I recommend you check out your local university or college for a course or seminar. And in the meantime, grab a young member of your church: they can teach you.
To check out the full Pew study, click here: