The most exciting part of this purchase, however, as been the way we have discovered the bike trails in our community. We used to live in Victoria BC, where biking everywhere is just second nature. But, in moving back to Ontario, I think I just assumed we didn’t have the infrastructure to make cycling a practical means of transportation with a family (I am not comfortable cycling with my daughter on the side of the road in our city). Turns out I was wrong! There are a host of bike trails, some in better condition then others. Turns out we can get most places on them if we leave the time. It as been my joy this year to discover these trails with my daughter.
My daughter now calls the bike “bump bump” and taps her head to make sure her helmet is on before climbing on the bike (she needs to tap mine too!). As a one car family, being set up to cycle together has left me with more freedom, as my partner regularly has the car.
Oh and how is this related to faith? If we are biking we are not in the car. Period.