I attend a church that most people would avoid. Actually, where it not for some very specific circumstances, I would probably have avoided it as well. The church has a history of years of conflict; lately it has been at a low point recovering from a series of upheavals. But these days I am at this church most Sundays with my family, and, as it turns out, another young family began attending last year as well. So, we have exactly 2 committed families at my church and a whopping total of three children. Everyone else is over 50. I am not exaggerating.
Despite our small number, last spring, church council empowered 'the parents' to do want we wanted to create space for our children at church. All of us decided that we wanted to have our kids in the sanctuary during the service. Now, a few months later, we have a quiet time play space in the sanctuary and a crying room right outside. Two more families have begun attending church semi-regularly. I have heard no complaints about the pews that were removed to create the play space. But, many people comment on how great it is two have up to 7 kids in the service.
Who knows if more kids will come. My point really is: it took one committed long term church member and two sets of parents about 5 hours over a couple months to create a kid friendly/family friendly space in worship. I'm not a fan of Nike, but the "just do it" philosophy certainly has its merits.